SVS Monck and SVS Avery complete long-term charter in Sao Tome

April 2023

Two of the SVS fleet have both successfully finished a long-term charter in Sao Tome the capital of Sao Tome and Principe situated West off Gabon and South of Nigeria. Working in Sao Tome (STP) had it’s challenges the main being the adverse weather conditions, STP is only 25 miles north of the equator with a very hot and wet climate making working conditions for our crew and vessels difficult.

The charter began in the last week of February with the Admiral crew mobilising earlier that month to prep both vessels ready for a tough few months ahead at sea.

When mobilising our vessels to sea for long periods it is vital that the correct planning of bunkers, provisions and spares packages are carefully thought out to avoid any delays or disruptions to the work being carried out.

For this charter we provided our vessels with 3 months’ worth of spares which includes a wide range of items such as: filters, lubes and batteries. This enabled us to continue working at sea for long stints without suffering any delays.

Our vessels were acting as security cover for the BGP Prospector which was conducting a seismic operation. The project in STP lasted a couple of months and was finished successfully. A good job completed by the Admiral Offshore staff and crew members.

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