The first half of 2020 has witnessed tough trading conditions in the offshore sector around the world; initially due to the low oil price and thereafter due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Operating costs have increased significantly due to the problems created around supply chain, operations and the decrease in facilities and personnel available for Class related work and routine maintenance. The outlook remains challenging and despite increases in costs at a substantial level oil majors and service companies continue to look at reducing rates and increasing terms making the longer term viability of a number of operators difficult.
However, Admiral Offshore took a number of important decisions in early 2020 to ensure liquidity and that operationally the company was prepared for the difficulties that were expected through the year.
Operations have not been made easy with the closure of airspace and the changing and sometimes inflexible nature of vessel operations in port; however, the company has been working hard with it’s local partners to ensure maximum efficiency is achieved though flexibility, collaborative working and technical assistance.
We remain with 100% fleet usage and a coordinated plan for Class surveys, technical maintenance and dockings for the fleet.
The outlook for the remainder of 2020 remains challenging but with a full order book into 2021.
The team remains motivated with ‘business as usual’ through the challenges that COVID-19 represents.
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